Pilgrim & Blinders Wall


In the Pilgrim Series, the pilgrim’s path can be one of self-discovery, spiritual affirmation or homage to an ideology. The works draw upon the distinct and arresting power of singular presence. Subjects appear in a state of reverie, focused upon something that exists beyond the realm of the picture.

The Man Triptych, 2017, Oil and mixed media on wood panel, 36 x 72 in. Inquire

The Shepherdess, 2017, Oil and mixed media on wood panel, 36 x 24 in. Inquire

The Owl, 2017, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 18 x 24 in. Inquire

The Call and Echo, 2017, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 30 x 48 in. Inquire

The Water Gatherer, 2017, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 24 x 30 in. Inquire

The Wait, 2017, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 18 x 24 in. Inquire

Lascaux-Auroch, 2017, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 30 x 40 in. Inquire

Birnam, 2017, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 20 x 24 in. Inquire

Blinders Wall

In Blinders Wall, each picture is but a small select piece of the whole story. Scenarios offer clues as to what might have occurred, before and after. Answers exist in the time/space between each picture allowing the viewer to theorize the course of events.

At Blinders Wall, Earlier, 2019, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 18 x 24 in. Inquire

At Blinders Wall, 2019, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 18 x 24 in. Inquire

At Blinders Wall, Later, 2019, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 18 x 24 in. Inquire

At Blinders Wall, Onward, 2019, Oil, mixed media on wood panel, 40 x 30 in. Sold.


Forgotten Woman & Lost Man Series

